Solo Exhibition Details?

scan of a silver gelatin print from my upcoming solo exhibition

My upcoming solo show dates have been confirmed. The dates are 24th April to the 30th May. The opening celebration is from 4:00pm to 6:00pm on Saturday the 27th of April, at Sunshine Art Spaces, City Place Sunshine. My fresh box of paper arrived today. So now I need to find and confirm frame sizes before I start the final preparations for this solo show.

Melbourne Art Book Fair 2019

The National Gallery of Victoria recently had a festival of design, Melbourne Design Week. Part of this festival is the Melbourne Art Book Fair. I take part each year wth the Melbourne Photobook Collective. I am still selling the same books since we began, and they are slowly getting sold. I have a couple of ideas… Continue reading Melbourne Art Book Fair 2019


Southbank 2019-01-18 18:38:58

I spent Friday, wandering between exhibitions and other locations I wanted to visit. All on foot. The light this summer has been softer than usual. I’ve been trying to exploit this. I walked back from dropping my car off for a service on Monday too. So my main digital project on Tumblr, pc30320, got a nudge forward this week.

The Vault, a controversial sculpture has been in this location outside the Australian Centre for Contemporary Art since 2002. I have various pictures of it as it has been moved. It has its own group on flickr as well.

The Vault sometime in the late 80s early 1990s by the Yarra River.

It is to my mind an interesting sculpture, but one that requires to the space to step back and take in the whole object from a distance. This is easily achievable at its current location.